Machico - Million Smile English lyrics/translation

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Doushiyomonai toki ga atte mo
Ashita wa ashita no kaze ga fuku kara ii janai
Though there may come times, nothing can be done,
The wind of tomorrow will be blowing, so it's all right isn't it?

"Yume wa yume dakara ii" toka
Hontou wa kanaetai nara issho ni tobou
"Dreams are dreams, that's why it's okay", things like that.
If you really want them to be granted, let's fly off together.

Hyakumankai no namida hyakumankai no egao
Tashite hiite kakete watte 0 da mae wo mukimashou
Millions of tears, millions of smiles.
Adding, subtracting, multiplaying, dividing, it all comes to 0. Let's head forward!

Kokokara dokomademo ikeru sa dokomademo iku no sa
Tameiki kazoete mo kiri ga nai desho?
From here on, we can go anywhere. We will go anywehere.
If we count all the sighs, there's no end, right?

Tokubetsu janakute mo honmono ni wa nareru
Kimi shidai de subete kawaru dakara
Nante subarashii Everyday
It doesn't need to be special, it will be genuine.
Under your circumstances everything will change.
What a wonderful Everyday!

Toushindai toka tte iu kedo
Aru asa yume ga fukuran jatte tara dou suru?
It might be called life-sized though,
what would you do if one morning a dream bulges? 

Pocket ippai no kibou
Tokedasu "mada ikeru" no kotoba wa uso janai
A lot of hope within my pocket.
The melting words of "I can still go on", aren't lies.

Isshou bun no yowane isshou bun no yuuki
Shizuka ni nerai wo sadameta nara koe ni dashimashou
Our shared complaints, our shared courage.
If our silent aims are decided, then let's let out our screams.

Kaerarenai kinou ga atte mo kyou wa kaete ikeru
"Doushiyomonai" nante mou kanben desho?
Yesterday I couldn't get back, today I can go back.
You're done with "there's nothing to do about it anymore", right?

Shiawase wa itsudemo kimi no tonari ni aru
Mayowazu tsukamitotte ii yo kimi to issho ni
Waraitai Everyday
Happiness is always beside you.
It's okay for you to grasp it with your hands, together with you,
I want to laugh everyday!

Koko kara dokomademo ikeru sa dokomademo iku no sa
Tameiki kazoete mo kiri ga nain da
From here on we can go anywhere, we'll go anywhere.
If we count all our sighs, there's no end to it.

Tokubetsu janakute mo honmono ni naritai
Me wo hiraitara soko ni kimi ga ita
From here on, we can go anywhere. We will go anywehere.
If we count all the sighs, there's no end, right?

Souzoujou no sujigaki wo kakikaete iku no sa
Teiban no ketsumatsu nante iranai
I'll go and rewrite our imaginary plot, 
I don't need something like a standard ending.

Aa sokka bokura wa itsudemo
Jiyuu wo te ni susunde ikunda ne
Ah, now I see we're always 
going on with freedom within our hands, don't we?

Kimi to issho ni hashiridaseba sekai wa kawaru
If I run together with you, the world will change. 

Nante subarashii Everyday
What a wonderful Everyday!

Machico - Million Smile English lyrics/translation
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Machico - Million Smile English lyrics/translation
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