LiSA - ADAMAS English lyrics/translation

Pada kali ini saya mau share tentang lirik lagu terbaru dengan judul LiSA - ADAMAS English lyrics/translation. Dan berjumpa lagi dengan saya di blog paling kece, paling top Song Lyricsdan bagi teman teman yang ingin blog ini update terus silahkan berkomentar ya . .. ^_^ Baca juga tentang postingan saya sebelumnya :
Taigi meibun ni shibirekirashita
Kujuu no yami to gou no ozu no naka
Hajimari ni kodoku wa tsukimono sa
I got numb by the literal composition of justice.
Within the bitterness of darkness and within the swirl of fate,
In the beginning the sorrow was just a indispensable part.

Shirasu tasogare no kabe uchiyabure
Kitaihazure to azamuki ga hikinobase
Kasoku shite yuku maguma no kodou
Tashikamete susume
Knowing about it, I hit the wall of twilight.
disappointment and deceivement are stretched.
It's accelerating, the throbbing of magma.
I check to be sure and continue.

Niyatsuita shinigami no yobu koe ga suru
"Do you hate yourself?"
Boku wa hajimatta eikou no goal wo mitai no sa
A smirking God of death's calling voice is coming to me saying:
"Do you hate yourself?"
I started, I want to see the goal of glory after all.

Shining Soul like Diamond
Kanashimi to negai no kesshoutai ni
Bokura shimei wo chikau
Sorezore no hikari wo mezashiteku
Shining Soul like Diamond
To the crystal of sorrow and wishes,
we vow our messages.
Awakening our lights.

Nando datte tachiagatte
Boku wa kyou made kitanda
It's time ikkyo no inori ga
Kakumei no kakushou saa, kagayake!
Standing up over and over,
We made it until today.
It's time. The prayer of one's action is,
the positive proof of a revolution, now shine! 

Lyrics reproduced by ear. It's not official at this moment, early translations mean the lyrics and translation aren't trustworthy right now. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THESE CAUTIONS.

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