TRUE - Another colony English lyrics/translation

Pada kali ini saya mau share tentang lirik lagu terbaru dengan judul TRUE - Another colony English lyrics/translation. Dan berjumpa lagi dengan saya di blog paling kece, paling top Song Lyricsdan bagi teman teman yang ingin blog ini update terus silahkan berkomentar ya . .. ^_^ Baca juga tentang postingan saya sebelumnya :
Doushite kibou wo motsu hito dake
Kokoro ni zetsubou wo shiru no darou
Doushite yuuki wo motsu hito dake
Meiyo no hate ni kizu wo ou no darou
Why do only people who carry hope with them,
know of the despair within hearts?
Why do only people who carry courage with them,
chase the wounds at the end of their honour?

Kanashii dekigoto ni me wo fusetakunakute
Atarashii yoake wo "yume" to nazukete miseta
Nejireta yoru no sukima ni hikari ga ochiru
Ah sora ga naiteiru yo
Not wanting to hide my eyes from sad happenings,
I showed the new dawn, calling it "a dream".
Through the gap in the twisted night, light is falling.
Ah, the sky is crying.

Sekai no hate nante shiranai keredo
Kono te ga todoku basho wo mamoritakute
Tatakau riyuu hitotsu niramitsukete
Yurushiau koto mo kotae ni naru
Bokura wa makecha ikenai
I don't know anything about the end of the world, even so
These hands want to protect the place they want to reach.
I just want to scrowl at one reason to fight.
So even forgiving each other, becomes an answer.
We can't lose.

These aren't official lyrics yet, reproduced by ear. 

TRUE - Another colony English lyrics/translation
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